Every man, at one time or another, wants to be a Giacomo Casanova. And we're here to tell you it's possible. The ability to entrance a woman, to get her to surrender what Casanova called her "delicious little that," depends mostly on and sincerity. That's all there is to it. Although you may object to Casanova's morals (he reveled in orgies, abhorred condoms, and once made love to his illegitimate daughter), he was not reprehensible. "Unlike the fictional Don Juan or the Marquis de Sade, Casanova wasn't a sexual predator," says Ted Emery, Ph.D., an assistant professor of Italian at Dickinson College and a noted Casanovist.
"He was very much in love with most of these women, and they with him. He frequently mentions the multiple orgasms he gave them. This is certainly flattering, but the fact that he even thought about their pleasure makes him different and admirable." To gain a better understanding of this man's genius (without reading all 12 volumes of his autobiography), we attended a Casanova dinner at Sotheby's Institute of Art in New York City. It was a lavishly detailed re-creation (right down to the period cutlery) of a rendezvous in Venice in 1753 between the 28-year-old Casanova and a beautiful nun into whose habit he wished to plunge.
It was his finest moment -- an evening that exemplified his charm, and one from which all men can learn. "It was a dinner of seduction," explains Carolin Young, a culinary historian who organized the event. "It was 2 hours of playful flirtation during which they were both waiting to devour each other. Afterward, the nun finally told him she had 'an appetite that promised to do honor to the supper.' "
So what did Casanova do that night? How did he steal the keys to the convent? Before we divulge his secrets, you should understand that Casanova was not an aristocrat. Although he enjoyed projecting that image, he was essentially a gambler and a con man who fought duels and even served time in prison. So while this evening may appear highly sophisticated, don't forget that Casanova was, at heart, a philandering rogue who placed fun and love above all else.
If you're feeling particularly adventurous, you can stage a Casanova dinner of your own. You'll find recipes and even a shopping list (look at "Related Articles" below). (You, however, are responsible for the nun.) Otherwise, just adhere to the following 10 principles the next time you're with a woman you admire. The results will be delicious.
To make a woman feel special, do something special. For his illicit dinner with the good sister, Casanova rented an elegant five-room apartment. He met her as she stepped off the gondola, and they walked arm-in-arm across a lantern-lit plaza.
When you're trying to impress a woman, never utter these words at the cusp of an evening: "So, what do you feel like doing?" A true Casanova takes charge. He has a plan. To devise a memorable one, imagine that you're proposing. What would you do to make the night so special she couldn't possibly say no?. After all, you are proposing -- only it's something far more enticing than marriage. "Women are very appreciative of any kind of effort," says Young. "Casanova certainly realized that."
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